Tuesday, July 31, 2012

OppiKoppi DIY: Easy Friendship Bracelets

I’ve decided to dedicate my DIY posts for the next two weeks purely to OppiKoppi posts. OppiKoppi is like Pretoria’s answer to Coachella. It is a weekend long music festival in the middle of nowhere, with hipster fashion to be sported on every willing sole.

Here is the tutorial on how to make this (it seems tricky in the beginning but is really simple once you get the hang of it)
How to make the easiest friendship bracelets (ever!!):

  1. Supplies: Embroidery thread and a piece of cardboard
  2. Cut the cardboard into a circle, and cut 8 (eight) groves onto the edges
  3. Get 7 (seven) pieces of string together. Obviously the ticker the tread, the bigger the bracelet.
  4. Tie the 7 pieces together, thread it through the eye of the cardboard, and put a thread in the groves. Because there are 7 threads and 8 groves, one grove will stay open.
  5. Your starting position (and when ever you get stuck, go back to this position): the open grove has to be at the bottom.
  6. Take the third thread out of the grove (two pieces of thread in between open grove and the third thread), a place it in the open grove.
  7. Move the now open grove to your starting position (open grove at the bottom) and take the third thread and place it in the open grove
  8. Continue this process until your braid fits comfortably around your wrist.
  9. Like my previous posts (here and here), you can embellish your bracelets with prettiness!

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