Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tasseled Phone Case

One size US G/6 (4mm) crochet hook, or size to obtain gauge
Yarn needle
44 fuchsia seed beads (optional)—Size 8
22 black tube beads (optional)—Size 8
Beading needle (optional)
Beading thread (optional)

In Two-Color Linen Stitch, 18 sts and 30 rows = 4"/10 cm.
Gauge is not important for this project

Two-Color Linen Stitch (multiple of 2 sts + 1)
Row 1 (RS): With B, k1, *sl 1 wyif, k1; repeat from * across.
Row 2: With B, purl.
Row 3: With A, k2, *sl 1 wyif, k1; repeat from * across to last st, k1.
Row 4: With A, purl.
Repeat Rows 1–4 for Two-Color Linen Stitch.

sc3tog: Single crochet 3 together—[Insert hook in next stitch, yarn over and draw up a loop] 3 times, yarn over and draw through all 4 loops on hook.
sl 1 wyif: Slip 1 with yarn in front—Bring yarn, between the needles, to the front. Slip the next stitch as if to purl. Return the yarn, between the needles to the back.

Carry color not in use up side of piece.

With B, CO 15.
Knit 1 row.
Work in Two-Color Linen Stitch until piece measures 4”/10cm from beginning, ending with a WS row.
With B, knit 2 rows. 
Bind off.

Work same as Front.

With B, ch 15. 
Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each remaining ch across, turn—14 sc. 
Rows 2–6: Ch 1, sc in each sc across, turn. 
Fasten off.

With B, ch 230; taking care not to twist ch, join with sl st in first ch to form a ring.
Round 1: Sl st in each ch around.
Fasten off. 

Hold front and back with WS together, sew sides and lower edges together, leave top edge open.
Wristband: Center wristband on back of case, with short ends aligned with side edges of case. Sew ends of wrist band securely in place.
Strap/Handle: Beginning at top of one side of case, pin strap down the side, across the lower edge, and back up the other side of the case (leaving long, top section of strap unpinned for handle). Sew strap in place around case.
Tasseled Strap
Mark center of top edge of back.
Row 1: Join B with sc 1 st before center, sc in center, sc on other side of center, turn—3 sc.
Rows 2–4: Ch 1, sc in each sc across, turn. 
Row 5: Ch 1, sc3tog—1 st.
Fasten off.
Wrap B around four fingers of one hand, about 20 times. Thread an 8"/20.5cm length of B under top of wraps and tie in a knot, then tie the ends together for hanging cord. Cut lower ends of wraps and remove from fingers. Wrap a 12"/30.5cm length of B around the tassel, about 1"/2.5cm below the top to form tassel neck, and draw ends down through tassel neck to inside of tassel. Note: If beads will not be added, wrap tassel neck 4 times around with B.
beaded tassel neck wrap (optional): Thread beads onto beading thread in the following order: *2 fuchsia, 1 black; repeat from * until all beads are threaded. Cut thread, leaving a 6"/15cm tail. Tie tail around tassel neck, and slide beads down close to tassel. Secure last bead. Wrap beaded thread around neck of tassel and secure.
Attach tassel to end of tassel strap using hanging cord. Using yarn needle, weave in all ends.

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